Back To School...Organized

Chaos To Order Back To SchoolWhether you're heading to school yourself or have children starting school, here are some tips to help get and keep you organized for the school year ahead.

Start with Good Habits

Motivation to do well and work hard is high at the start of the school year. Leverage this mindset by creating daily routines that will keep the momentum going as time goes on.

Fine Tune The Calendar

Get your calendar up to date for the fall. Input school schedules, sports, social activities, etc. Electronic calendars are great. If kids have devices, they can sync up with other family members calendars and schedules. This is a great way to keep everyone in the family (age appropriate) up to date with activities. If they're not digital, a white board in a common area works great too.

Keep A List Handy

Create needs lists for school supplies, clothing, sports gear, etc. Keep the list with you at all times. Add notes and set reminders on your phone to help keep lists and ideas handy.

 Get Organized

It’s easier to keep up with a hectic schedule when the space around you is organized. Get systems in place, clear closets and entry areas to make way for incoming backpacks and gear. Good systems at home can lead to better learning in the classroom.

Set a Study SpotCreate a comfortable study spot and make sure it's in an area where distractions are minimized. A comfortable work surface and good lighting are key ingredients. Keep school supplies handy and encourage kids to regularly do their work in the designated study spot.


We Can Help

Of course, Chaos To Order is here to help. If you’d like to schedule an organizing session for yourself or for your student, call us at (847) 825-8400



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