It Helps To Be Organized Before Disaster Strikes

HurricaneThe recent hurricanes have shown us all how the fury of Mother Nature can tear your world apart quickly. The sudden loss of everything is unimaginable. It got me thinking that we never really know when disaster can strike. Being prepared and organized in case of a disaster can't save lives, but it can definitely bring some peace of mind. Below are some suggestions to help keep you organized. If you ever need to evacuate, you'll have some important things buttoned up.Important Documents File: Always keep a file with important documents. Passports, social security cards, birth certificates, etc... If all of these papers are in a handy file, you can grab it quickly when you need to.Emergency Preparedness Kit: Create a kit and keep it handy in your home and even on a smaller scale, keep one in the car. Here is a link to some content suggestions: Keepsakes: We all have meaningful treasures that we hold dear. The problem is the real treasures get lost among all the other stuff that's been saved unnecessarily. Create one keepsake box per person with the most treasured items. You can't take it all with you, but if you have an appropriately sized container, it may make the difference between what you can bring along and what you can't.Inventory: Create an inventory of your belongings so they can easily be replaced if lost. Having a well-organized household inventory will be an amazing benefit if you have to make insurance claims. Check out for an easy way to create an organized inventory.Digital Back Up: So much of what we need these days is digital, but if your computers and files aren't backed up, a disaster could eliminate everything. It's simple to back up to a cloud service. Here is a list of some great back up services.SaveSave


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