Organizing Ideas for Trial & Travel Size Products

Display Travel Size Items for HouseguestsHow often do you take home the travel size toiletries from a hotel stay? We see many clients who not only take them home, but collect and store up more than they will ever use. Here are a few solutions:Organize: sort them out by eliminating what you know you won't use, then by type and kind you will use. Once you know exactly what you have, find containers. It may be as simple as dividing the drawer they're in, to purchasing small containers or baskets.Contain for Guests:  Get a glass container and display them in a guest bathroom. This way, your guests will have a plethora of products to choose from when they visit.Use them: Yes, it's ok to use them up--even the good ones. Use one bottle at a time so you don't have 6 bottles out causing clutter. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new shampoo or lotion that you really love (or hate).Pack: Keep one or two of each product in a travel-ready container. This way, the next time you're packing, it will save you the headache of gathering all the items you need. Remember, organization is all about planning now to avoid future chaos, and when you're packing for a trip, it's one less thing to think about.Donate: Many non for profit organizations are in need of these items. Sarah's Circle is one such organization in Chicago that serves women who are homeless or at risk. You can find other organizations to donate to on our website. 


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