Keep an "Outgoing" Box in your Closet

When you try on that pair of jeans and they're not just right anymore, what do you do with them? If you want to keep your closet optimally organized, you need a place for everything, including those jeans. Things that don't work, out of style, stained or ripped, need a place to go too. Don't just drop them to the floor, put them in the laundry or hang them back up. Get a container or box, put it out on a shelf, label it "outgoing" or "donations" and regularly toss those items into the box. This way, anything that doesn't belong in your closet will be able to find its way out easily.Once the box is full, check out our "Where to Donate Stuff" page for a list of resources.


Case Study: Photo Organizing Project


Tips to Tackle Big Organizing Projects