Case Study: Photo Organizing Project

A family called on us to digitize and organize their family history that was filling up boxes, totes, albums and plastic containers in many areas throughout the home. Thousands of pictures dating back to the 1800's! Nothing was in order–no rhyme or reason. Our client was so overwhelmed with the magnitude of this project. They wanted us to just deal with it. We worked together, scheduled weekly meetings and left little projects of homework for our client to finish in our absence.  As we got to know the family members and brought some order to the chaos, slowly but surely we were able to pull together an entire family history. Every childhood occasion, holiday celebration, trip, vacation and graduation. Each and every photo was scanned, sorted and filed. A system began to take shape as the sorting, dating and organizing continued. The finished product is a digital library with categories and sub categories so each and every photo can be found quickly and efficiently both digitally (on an external hard drive and in the cloud), and on paper photographs stored in acid free photo keepsake boxes and trunks. This was a large project, and took many many hours of scanning, organizing and sorting, but the payoff is big--a treasured digital file that can be shared with all family members near and far, as well as the original photos now stored in a permanent and organized way.


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