Tips to Tackle Big Organizing Projects

Do you have an organizing project that you've been putting off? Are boxes from a recent (or not so recent) move still waiting to be unpacked and organized? Are you paying for the storage of stuff that really needs to be sorted out and pitched? The angst it causes in your mind is worse than taking a few simple steps to get it done now. Consider these options:Carve out time: You may think that you need several free days to tackle a big organizing projet, but the truth is, you just need a starting point. If your schedule only allows you 30 minutes, take it! Carve out snippets of time. It's better to get started than to never begin.Have a plan: Decide how you want to use the space, what's going to happen with the stuff you're keeping and what to do with the things you no longer want. Having clear direction will allow you to be more productive when you have the time to get started.Don't look at the big picture: When it comes to organizing a larger project, or an overwhelming space, looking at the big picture will only sabatoge your progress. When our expert organizers come to work with you, we like to start in the toughest spot to help you push through the grit. If you're working on your own, start in a place that feels comfortable so you can just dig in and make some progress.Deal with one item at a time: You can only make one decision at a time. When you're sorting through a big project, look and make a decision about one item at a time.Keep at it: The hardest part is sticking with it to completion. Set time on your calendar to work as your timing and schedule allows, and don't stop scheduling time until you've finished and put away every last item.Call for help: If you just can't seem to get through it, the expert organizers of Chaos To Order are always here to help and coach you through the process every step of the way. Schedule an appointment today. 


Keep an "Outgoing" Box in your Closet


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