Keeping Linens Organized

Organized Linen ClosetHow many extra towels and linens do you keep on hand? Many people struggle with linen chaos because they hang on to linens and keep too much. Do a thorough weed through of your linens and set some boundaries on how much you keep. Here are some parameters:Bed Linens: Keep one full set of extra bed linens for each bed, this way if you need to quickly switch out, another option is available. More than one extra set is not necessary. If you're really tight on space, you may keep only one set, the one on the bed, just wash and put the same one back.Towels: It's nice to have an extra towel or two to keep handy, depending on how much storage space you have, but it's not necessary to keep every old towel you've used through the years. Keep a reasonable amount for yourself and guests.Table Linens/Napkins: This is another area that can grow without notice. If you've purchased a new tablecloth to replace an old one, don't forget to eliminate the old and only keep what you plan to use.Kitchen Towels/Dishcloths: Do you save them until they're shredded and falling apart? Designate a kitchen drawer or part of a cabinet and set a boundary to keep only what will fit in the space you've designated.Rags: Does everything head down the food chain into the rag department? Do you have an overflowing abundance of rags? Remember, your rags, towels and linens are always needed at homeless shelters and animal shelters. Gather up your extras and drop them off. Check out our where to donate list.As for storage of these items, a linen closet is always optimal for sheets and towels. The key to keeping it organized is making sure you don't have too much in there, and fastidious folding. Here are some great folding tips from our expert organizer Vicky:The photo below shows a great solution for keeping bed linens organized. Fold them neatly and wrap them inside the pillowcase!Organized Linen Closet If you're tight on linen closet space, consider hanging baskets or even a wine rack to store extra towels on the wall.1d95083895943f423b5cc5d93dca0730 iron_towel_wall_rack_black If you still need space, look up. Store extra bathroom items or towels on a shelf above the door.Towel Storage  Keeping towels and linens organized boils down to holding on to only what you need and making use of the space you have the best way possible. If you're looking for individualized help on getting your linen closet organized, or finding alternate storage solutions in your home, we would be happy to send an organizer to help! Follow Chaos To Order®'s board Organized Linen Closets on Pinterest.


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