Reduce Chaos with Meal Planning

Planning meals in advance is something that can help you stay organized (and sane) if you have a busy family. Plan ahead and be intentional about meal time together. Knowing what you are going to eat in advance helps to eliminate the chaos of those witching hours when the kids come home from school. When homework and activities begin, it's hard to think about what's happening for dinner, Not to mention, unplanned dinner once everyone is hungry, can be unhealthy andexpensive. If dinner has been pre-planned, you'll be less tempted to throw in pre-packaged convenience dishes or opt for fast food.Spend a few minutes at the beginning of the week or on a Sunday evening and make a meal plan. You can even create a rotating meal plan by filling out a calendar with 4 weeks worth of meals and rotate it monthly. I've tried this at home, and when I take the time to plan ahead, there is always a greater feeling of calm. Take the time in advance to create a meal plan for your family—it will help you feel more organized!SaveSaveSaveSave


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