Get Organized and Prepare for the Holidays Now

Christmas_tree_decorations_largeBefore you know it, the holiday season will be in full swing and you'll be pulled in a thousand different directions. What can you cross of your list now before the craziness begins? Here are a few ideas to help you plan ahead:Order holiday cards: Save money by ordering early, address them now and have them ready to go. Once you start receiving cards, here are some tips to keep them organized.Make lists: Get your lists ready for gifts, meals, events, etc. Make use of the lists on your phone so they'll always be accessible when your out and about.Host a gathering: Plan a date and host something at your home. It's the very best way to make sure projects get finished up and rooms get organized.Freezer-ready: Whittle down your freezer now to make room for incoming items. Think about holiday meals, what can you make now and freeze? In addition, here are some tips to keep your refrigerator organized.Decorate: Get lights up early before the weather turns, even if you wait to turn them on.Organize now: Feel good about your space by getting it properly organized. Having good systems in place when things get busy will lighten the stress and enable you to enjoy the holidays.Give the gift of organizing: Chaos to Order offers gift certificates to help your loved ones get organized.If you have questions, ask away on Facebook or Twitter. If you'd like to schedule an organizing session, call us at (847) 825-8400 or schedule here.


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