5 Tips To Keep Up With A Busy Fall Schedule

September is the time to say goodbye to the loose schedule of summer and begin fall activities which can become hectic. How do we stay on top of the "busy-ness” and remain organized? Here are a few tips to keep you “running” smoothly:

Use Your Calendar

  • Whether it’s paper or digital, make it your lifeline. Put every activity, meeting and plan on the calendar so you can see exactly what is going on. Share digital calendars with other family members so everyone knows who’s going where and when.

Learn to Say No

  • Don’t opt in to every interest and social event that takes place. Choose activities and volunteer obligations wisely.

Plan Ahead

  • Planning in advance will help you get through busy times more efficiently. That’s where having the innards of your home, office and life organized will help daily activities to run smoothly.

Carve Out Down Time

  • If your schedule is getting too full and you start to feel burnout, it’s time to lighten the load. Make sure you allow time to unwind and reorganize to combat stress and chaos.

Enlist Help

  • You can’t do it all, so get help when you need it. In the office, make use of support staff and technology. On the home front, create carpools, childcare sharing and reciprocate favors. Of course, you can always call Chaos To Order whenever you need help getting anything organized.


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