Overwhelmed by Clutter? Start Here

messy deskDoes your clutter problem feel like a monkey on your back? Many of our clients feel they would be so much more productive at work or at home if they could just catch up on the backlog. Clutter often amounts to postponed decisions. Think about it...that pile of things in the corner is there because you just haven't taken the time or been able to decided about where it's all going to go. Here are some solutions to get you past that stuck place and into organization mode:Start small: You can only make one decision at a time so start in one place and don't let the big picture overwhelm you.Make a clear plan: Attack the clutter as you would any other project in the office or at home. Schedule time on the calendar to work on it and commit to getting through a defined area.Be realistic: You don't have a magic wand, so don't expect it will all get organized immediately, it probably took a while to get it that way--right? It's better to get started than to never begin.Establish put-away habits: The clutter will continue to accumulate if you don't have good put-away habits in place. Don't wait until everything is organized to start returning things to their rightful homes. If it has a place, get it back there after each and every time you take it out.Minimize distractions: It's so easy to give in to the distractions and do something else, especially when it's not your favorite thing to do. Set time to organize and minimize those distractions...close the door, put the phone on silent, hire a babysitter, whatever you can do help keep you working on the task at hand.Don't quit: Don't give up--the benefits of having an organized space outweigh the work it takes to get there. Remember, organization is not a destination, it is a constant process. If you need help, Chaos To Order is always a click away!


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