Closet Conversion; When to switch seasons in your closet

Shirts Hanging on a RackWe think of Labor Day as the official end of summer and beginning of fall. It's back to school and back to work. Vacations are over and it's time to gear up for the start of the fall season. Your closet, on the other hand, is still in the throws of summer. So when do you change over to fall sweaters, boots and jackets?September is usually a good mix of super hot, as well as a sprinkling of days that are cool enough to wear some of those favorite fall fashions. This is the very reason it's important to be organized! If you store off season items outside of the closet, you may not want to bring them all in over Labor Day weekend as you will still be wearing late summer clothing for a while. I suggest a slower creep into fall if possible. Of course it all depends on the weather and the size of your seasonal closet. The key ingredient however remains the same. If the out of season boxes are properly labeled and you know what is inside them, it will be easy to grab what you need when the right temperatures appear.During late August, start adding a few longer sleeve items and light sweaters. Mid September, pull out some boots and by October, bring in all the fall sweaters. Heavy winter items and Holiday wear can wait until the end of October or even the beginning of November. At the same time, summer clothing should be making its way out of the closet. Late August is time to remove the bright white & colorful summery outfits.  In mid-September, eliminate most shorts and summery tank tops. Other summer items should be out by mid-October.If you travel to warm climates during the winter, make sure that anything that might come along on a vacation is also properly stored and labeled so it's easy to pull from when packing. Proper storage -and organization are the key ingredients to a smooth transition from season to season in your closet.


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