First Impressions: How to Organize Your Office Reception Area

organized office reception areaThe reception area of your company determines the first impression a customer or visitor receives. Does your office project organization and efficiency, or does it showcase clutter and chaos? If it’s messy, what kind of impression does that give your customers? Might it tell them that you are going to handle their job in a sloppy way? What can you do to make the reception area of your office project a clean and organized environment? Here are some solutions:Examine the Layout: Do you need to incorporate furniture to fill up the space and make it look more inviting? Attractive sofas and benches will not only give customers a comfortable place to wait, they will also add to the appeal of the space.  A reception desk with a raised front panel is optimal to make the office look professional and tidy. It also does a great job at hiding papers and supplies that need to be accessible.Clear the Desk: What is kept out on the reception desk?  A phone and computer are certainly needed, but beyond that, the front desk should be kept clear of papers, supplies and personal items. You want to give your customers the feeling that you are there for them, not that you have this other pile of work to deal with. If clutter on the desk is a problem, clear it off promptly and make sure it is always clear at the end of each day.Magazine Selection: How many magazines are on display in the reception area? Can your customer pick from stacks and stacks? Limit the choices to just a few current issues and place them in a wall mounted magazine rack. This will make the space look more tidy and won’t make your customers feel like they’ll be waiting for hours with all the reading materials!Let there be Light: Lighting is a key element to set the mood for the incoming customer. If the lighting is dark, dreary and outdated, your customer may feel that way while sitting in the reception area. Pay attention to the lighting and the mood you feel when in the room. Update the lights and brighten up the space with fixtures and uplifting colors on the walls.Prepare for the Season: Keep an umbrella stand handy, and a closet for coats or place hooks on the wall if closet space is not available. Invest in sturdy floormats that can handle the wear and tear of snow and salt so the office reception floor area will remain tidy as well.First impressions matter and so does your reception area. An organized environment appeals to all, so do what you can to organize your space today!


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