Keep Your Passwords Organized

ComputerThe recent data security breach has been all over the news, not just this week, but stories have been surfacing all year and it looks like this problem will not be going away any time soon. That means it's time for us to protect ourselves and do something about it. When was the last time you did a sweep of where you have user names and passwords lying around on the web? It's time for a password organizing session. Here are some ideas to help you not only organize your passwords, but also make them hacker unfriendly.Keep a list: Know the sites you have user name and passwords for. A digital document with a list of websites will suffice. Be careful not to keep a digital list of the passwords on it as it can get compromised easily. Just keep a list so you know where your information is.Get creative: Longer and more complicated passwords are best, but they can be tough to remember. The best advice I've heard is to take a sentence (that has a number in it) like this: Chaos To Order organizers are absolutely the best at keeping me super organized 365 days of the year. CTOoaatbakmso365doty.Change it up: Don't use the same passwords for social media sites and financial institutions. Unfortunately, you need to try to stay one step ahead of the hackers. When you hear there's been a breach (especially a big one like what has been in the news recently), go in and change your passwords.Get a Password Manager: There are plenty of voices out there for PC's and Mac that can help you keep your passwords more safe and secure than you could do on your own. I happen to use 1Password, but there are many out there. Here are a few options.It all boils down to doing a few things to keep chaos away. Spending some time organizing your passwords now may help save much frustration in the future. 


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