Friday Favorite: Locker Shelves

Locker ShelfIf you have kids heading back to school, these locker shelves can be a big help in providing extra storage space for books and miscellaneous items. Way back, when I was in high school, of course there was no such thing as a locker shelf, but I already had organizing on my brain. I designed a shelf to stack my books on (very similar to the one you see pictured). My dad made it for me out of wood and I loved the extra storage space it allowed so I could keep my locker organized. I wish I had the insight to market them back then! Having an extra shelf or two provides great storage space, not to mention that if you only have one spot at the bottom and you need to put wet boots or shoes in the locker, there's nowhere to keep other things safe and dry. You can use it in any locker, consider a gym locker as well, or even in a small closet or dorm room. Locker shelves help you make use of every inch of storage space.


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