Friday Favorite: Creative Uses For Command Hooks

The great thing about Command Hooks is that you can hang them anywhere with the option to remove later. Our organizers love to use these hooks because they can help make so many things more accessible and more organized at the same time. Rather than just writing about all the great uses for Command Hooks, here are photos of some very creative uses. Hopefully they will inspire you to hang a few and organize something of your own.


This first image uses Command Hooks for jewelry. It's a great way to maximize otherwise unused space in a closet and even if you don't have any vertical space to use, you can even adhere hooks to the wall behind your clothes! Great for jewelry, belts, even accessories that go with the items hanging nearby. Think about how you might be able to use every crevice of that closet. 

Another Great use is for hanging a wreath on the front of a cabinet or door without damage. Just hang a Command hook upside down and attach a ribbon to the hook and the wreath.


 Toothbrushes are hung with the hook placed sideways. Nice and neat on the inside of a cabinet.


 Measuring cups and spoons hang organized inside a cabinet as well. It's great to put an end to fumbling through a drawer to find the right size. Here they are all hanging beautifully.


I hang my folding step stool on a Command Hook in the Laundry Room...


You can attach a small hook to the front of any container to hold the scoopers.

Command Hooks for Hair Appliances

If your tight on storage space in the bathroom, make use of the inside of the cabinet door for hair appliances or any other items you might want to hang.5b33db10a10be6965329c3abc392aaf9What great ideas can you think of for using Command hooks to help create order and efficiency in your life?


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