Easy Steps to Organize Bookshelves

 Bookshelves can be a great focal point in a room, but if they're stuffed full, they can become the focal point of clutter. Getting baskets that fit nicely inside the bottom rows of the bookshelves can be a great way to store some of the more unattractive items you might need to store on your shelves. These bookshelves from Ikea have a perfect fitting basket option.Ikea Expedit BookshelvesPay attention to how much you store on your bookshelves. Beautiful photos you see of fabulousl designed shelves are often very  sparse with books and items very strategically placed. Regularly take a step back and give your shelves a once-over to keep them as minimal as possible. Look through the books and eliminate what you know you're not going to be reading. Maybe you can pick out books that a friend would like, or you can send some off for donation. Amazon also has an easy system for selling your used books.Travel Keepsake KitsYou may also have items on your bookshelves that just look like clutter.  If you're creative, here's a great idea from Martha Stewart. Make these beautiful boxes to store memorabilia from recent trips. It's a great way to display the memory along with keepsake items inside and they look wonderful on the shelves.Another way of hiding cluttered looking items on your bookshelves is to create a storage box using the book spines as a stylish decoy. Whatever option you choose for displaying your books, knowing what you have on them and having a good system for organization is a great place to start!Bookshelf storage box     


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