George Clooney on How to Radically Simplify your life

Up-in-the-air ClooneyDo you remember the movie "Up In The Air" with George Clooney? Clooney plays Ryan Bingham an axman and part time motivational speaker who encourages others to rid themselves of everything that weighs them down. This philosophy can correlate to simplifying your life and organizing in some ways. Of course he is way over the top in his ambition to own nothing, but envisioning everything you own into a backpack is a good visual to start with. Listen to his speech and think about your own backpack. Does your stuff weigh you down? How full is your backpack? Maybe it's time to simplify. Not necessarily rid yourself of everything and everyone in your life, but a little paring down can be quite therapeutic![video width="640" height="346" mp4=""][/video] Remember Video does not embed into RSS email. Follow link and click here.


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