A Fun New Way to Organize your Drawers with Pliio

Pliio Clothing FilesLast week I attended the annual conference for the National Association of Professional Organizers. At the conference there is an expo where companies can show new and interesting products that we organizers might be interested in. One product I found that I believe many of our clients would like is Pliio. It's a system of clothing file folders where you can very easily  toss your t-shirts (or other garments like scarves, pajamas, etc...) into the folder and voila--you have a beautifully organized drawer! Here is a link to a YouTube Video describing how they work--I think they're terrific, and you can purchase them on Amazon or at Bed Bath & Beyond. They may not be for every client, especially those cramming 45 t-shirts into a single drawer. But for those who dance at the site of organized perfection in their drawers--these are for you!


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