Remove Dry Cleaning Bags Promptly

Dry Cleaning Bags in ClosetHere's a super simple tip to help keep your closet organized and efficient. Remove those dry cleaning bags promptly. It's harder to see your clothes when they're covered up. Your closet is also much cleaner looking without the clutter of bags in the way. Some also say that keeping clothes in the dry cleaning bags will help keep the dust off. Unless you're under construction at home, dust shouldn't gather that quickly. If clothing has been sitting there so long that it's collecting dust, maybe it shouldn't be in your closet. There are some good alternatives to dry cleaning bags.  If you want to keep a garment in long term storage, try something like these canvas garment bags from West Elm. If you have dry cleaning bags hanging in your closet, get them out--you'll be one step closer to a more organized closet!


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