Friday Favorite:

SafelyFiled_logomarkDo important tax related receipts clutter your desk? Are you loosing out on deductions because you don't have an easy, organized system for keeping track of receipts? is a terrific website that can solve that problem and many more. 

 The cloud is becoming the go-to place for storage of documents, but cloud storage can be another cluttered mess without good systems in place. That's where Safely Filed excels. The site offers an easy, organized platform to store important documents. You can access it from anywhere, allow others access to some or all documents, and you're even able to see when they have been active in the account. Because the site was built with security as the primary function, it's a great place to store important documents like living wills, birth certificates, tax returns etc… 

Getting your documents uploaded to Safely Filed is also easy. You can scan documents and upload them from your computer, or you can use their iPhone app and quickly snap photos into the account. That cluttered box of papers in the basement can be uploaded and organized in no time!

Finding important documents quickly when you need them can be a challenge. With Safely Filed, they will not only be organized and safe, they'll also be accessible at your fingertips on the nearest computer or smartphone. You can search for the document quickly within the site. Keeping track of receipts for tax purposes is a breeze. 

If you're interested in some help organizing your receipts and important documents onto Safely Filed, the Chaos To Order organizers can show you the way. 


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