Tired of your Winter Wardrobe? Try a Closet Clean-out

It's been a long winter and with the recent cold weather, we're still wearing winter clothes–ugh. Problem is, we're tired of the winter wear at this point, but if you shop in the stores, all you see is spring. Why not shop in your own closet? Doing a mid season closet clean out is a great alternative to an expensive shopping spree. It's great to discover clothes and outfits in your own closet when you organize and look at things in a new way. Here are some closet clean-out tips:

  • Thoroughly evaluate. Don't just gaze over the sections of hanging clothes. Actually go item by item making a decision about each and every piece you touch. This kind of thorough evaluation will help give you a new perspective.
  • Keep an Outgoing Bin. Make sure there's a place in your closet for clothes you can eliminate/donate. This is especially helpful in kids closets where they are constantly outgrowing
  • Re-Hang. The right hangers can make all the difference. Here's a quick video about some of our favorite hanger choices.
  • Look Up. Use every inch of vertical space in your closet. Keep a step stool handy to make access to those higher items easy.
  • Put Away. It's late enough in the season to put away things you would only wear during the holidays and in the fall. Start thinking spring and pull out some transitional items.
  • Everything old is new again. You'll be amazed what a fresh outlook the newly organized space will give! You'll even be able to put together some new outfits once you re-arrange.

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