Could a $30 Million Treasure be Hiding in YOUR Garage?

pics-1Six years ago Thomas Schultz and Lawrence Joseph purchased a modest home on Long Island for $300,000.00. The garage was a mess, filled with hundreds of paintings, drawings and journals. Fortunately, they decided to do some organizing and see what was in there rather than taking the previous owners up on their offer to pay for a dumpster. What they uncovered was an amazing art collection mixed in with the trash. Over 70,000 paintings and drawings by Arthur Pinajian, the late Armenian-American abstract-expressionist. According to The Wall Street Journal, the collection has been appraised at $30 million! Maybe we need to help you need to clean out your garage, who knows what treasure may be hiding amongst the clutter!


Friday Favorite:


Consequences of a Cluttered Garage During a Snow Storm