Consequences of a Cluttered Garage During a Snow Storm

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 1.52.21 PMDid you know that 32 percent of people who have two car garages only have room to park one car inside?  25 percent of people don't park any cars in the garage at all because it's so filled with clutter! With the recent snow storms and cold weather, it would be a real convenience to be able to park your car in the garage. So what has been standing in the way--grandmother's old furniture that you really don't want to put in your living room? Boxes that haven't been unpacked since your last move 5 years ago? If you carve out some time to go through that stuff, eliminate what you know you don't use and efficiently store and contain what you have, you may magically find the space to bring you car back into the garage where it belongs. Here are some tips to prepare for a snow storm.  If you need a helping hand, you can always schedule an appointment. Organization is all about planning for future convenience. The next time there's a big snow storm, your car will not have to suffer the consequences outside!


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