How do you declutter when you want to keep everything?

How is your New Year resolution to get organized working? By the end of January, many resolutions have already fallen by the wayside. Don't let a small stumble get you off course. Here's an article with some terrific tips from expert organizers for inspiration: Tips for Starting 2022 Clutter-Free: The Experts Advice

The tip that I was quoted in is a common stumbling block, so here are the details:

How do you declutter when you want to keep everything?

When we work with clients to do a thorough purge, they can more clearly realize the excess. When coaching through the process, we ask questions like, “when was the last time you used this?” to help them grapple with these sometimes difficult decisions. It also helps to pull things out of drawers and cabinets. So much can hide in spaces we don’t see. It’s important to be very sensitive to the needs of people who are holding on to things. There is a great deal of sentimental attachment, so a non-judgmental, empathic coach will help push through some of those hard places. We encourage our clients to take pictures of larger objects and write stories about what they mean so that future generations can appreciate them. Younger people don’t have the same sentimental attachments, but a written family story can carry on for generations, and it doesn’t take up storage space when it can be digital.When space is limited, hanging on to things can become a real problem. Making use of every inch of storage space is critical. Using dividers, drawer organizers, adjustable shelving, proper containers, and labels can bring plenty of chaos to order.-Monica Friel from Chaos to Order


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