Clear The Christmas Clutter and Start 2022 Organized!

Christmas is over, but the deluge of stuff acquired throughout the holidays may linger on. Here are 3 tips to clear the clutter and start 2022 organized: 1.  When taking down the tree and miscellaneous decorations, think about what you can pare down. We tend to accumulate excess in the storage boxes--only save what you know will be displayed again next year. Donate the overflow.2.  Weed out to make room for the incoming. You can't fit 10lbs. of potatoes in a 5lb. bag, so don't try to do it in closets and cabinets. Less really is more when it comes to efficiency and access to what you have.3.  Like how your decorations looked this year? Before dismantling, take a photo to remember the setup. Print a pic and add it to the storage box. If you are motivated to get things organized when putting away, you'll reap the reward when it's time to bring them out again! We are happy to help--Chaos To Order is your source for all things organized. From taking down the tree to clearing space and setting up organized systems for 2022--we've got you covered!


How do you declutter when you want to keep everything?


Start 2022 Organized