It's Time To Spring Clean!

Spring is hopefully right around the corner, so now is the perfect time to jump-start household spring cleaning efforts. Here are a few tips to get you going:

  • Make a list: Write down every job you'd like to accomplish, then prioritize. Don't forget about those easy-to-forget jobs that need to be done, like changing filters and vacuuming refrigerator coils to name a few.
  • Schedule time: It won't ever get done unless you carve out time to do it. The best way to ensure execution is to get it on the calendar--with a reminder notification or two. ;-)
  • Simplify: How much do you really need? Before starting a decluttering project, think big-picture and how much you'll need to eliminate to optimize your space the way you want.
  • Call for help: Of course Chaos To Order is always here to help organize and maximize every inch of space in your home or office.

Organizing Tips for Multi-Functional Rooms


Today is Chaos To Order's 27th Anniversary