What began as a cluttered mess turned into organizational delight with the addition of a few bins and containers--and of course, Chaos To Order organizing! Mudroom Before Chaos To OrderWe started the process by going through the coats one by one, and weeding out what was no longer being worn. Heavy winter coats were brought down to a basement storage closet, and the remaining coats were treated to new, matching hangers. Hats and gloves were taken out of the bottom baskets (where they are kept during the winter) and brought up to the top shelf and labeled. Scarves which were strewn around the shelves were also given a top shelf labeled basket. Mudroom Organized by Chaos To OrderShelves were cleared so that backpacks and bags could be placed alone on the shelves for easy access. The top middle shelf below the drawer was cleared to make room for incoming mail and receipts as well as a bowl for loose change on the shelf in the hanging section. Spring/summer balls and shoes were brought up into the wire baskets for easy spring use. The big green bag of dog food was given a new permanent home with the purchase of a dog food container.


Mudroom Plastic BagsPlastic grocery bags were all given a spot in a recycler on the wall of the inside corner of the closet, making use of every inch of closet space.

Mudroom organized by Chaos To Order

A wire rack was placed on the door to free up space for random items to make them easily accessible. The other door got a couple of hooks and a step stool to make it easy to reach items stored up high. Miscellaneous cleaning supplies, school stuff, shoe care, etc... got appropriate sized containers. Careful attention was payed to every item and detail in the closet so it would function well and also look beautiful. To keep things organized, here are some tips for a tidy and clean home.  It's a new type of detailed organizing we call "Interior, Interior Design". :-) Mudroom Organized by Chaos To Order

The finished product is a good example of how Chaos To Order can bring the Chaos in your closets, not just to order, but to a whole new level!



Friday Favorite: Wire Storage Racks


Friday Favorite: Double Shoe Storage with Shoe Stax