Q: How can Chaos To Order help me Move?

Moving BoxMoving is quite the undertaking and it involves bringing a lot of Chaos To Order in many ways. Moving is the best time to get organized, because you're forced to go through everything, so you might as well do it right and bring only what you want and need to your destination. Here are several ways that the expert organizers of Chaos To Order can help you through the moving process: Space Planning: Once you've decided where your going, we can take a look at both spaces and help you determine how to make the best use of it. We help you determine what furniture to bring along, how to lay it out. If you're merging two households, we'll coach you through how to decide what to keep and what needs to go.Weed through and purge: We can make the painstaking process of going through everything you own a little easier. We bring you through the process of making decisions about what to keep versus what to toss, donate or sell. It can be a daunting task going through your stuff, but if you want to be optimally organized in your new space, THIS is the step that matters most and we help make it a little more fun ;-)Unpack: Once the moving boxes arrive at your new place, Chaos To Order takes charge of the unpack and put away process. We can work with you or independently determining the perfect spot for everything. We've been at this for 20+ years, so we know that everything needs a place to belong and we are pros at getting it all put away quickly and efficiently.Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 12.56.09 PMMaintenance: Staying organized is about maintaining systems properly. Chaos to Order can come any time on an as needed basis to keep things organized and running smoothly. If you've got a handle on getting things back where they need to go, you may only need a one or twice a year refresh. We believe all systems need a once over from time to time to keep up with a busy life.


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