How to Store Baby/Kids Clothes

Kids ClosetStoring, sorting and organizing baby/kids clothes requires a well thought out plan. Babies arrive and grow like crazy that first year. So in addition to all the chaos that ensues with the arrival of baby, keeping up with all clutter created by clothes and baby gadgets is another challenge. As time goes on and kids grow, the problem can grow too. Here's how to help keep it all organized:

  • Have a plan. Decide right away if you're going to hold on to clothes for future children or if you're going to get rid of them by selling, donating or handing off to a friend or family member.
  • Contain. The right containers make a big difference. At Chaos To Order we like to suggest clear plastic containers with white or clear tops. The neutral color (or lack of color) stands the test of time and they are readily available at most big box stores. Don't get huge boxes and partially fill them. When you have to sort through a box that has several sizes, it will just bring up more chaos. It's better to buy smaller boxes and stick to a good system for every size.
  • Label. Labeling of every box is the most important part. It will save you lots of time in the future of sifting through boxes to find what you're looking for. Always label, and go as specific as you can.
  • Keepsakes. If there are special items (outfit worn home from the hospital, christening gown, etc...) store them separately in a box labeled "Suzie's Keepsake Clothes" and store it with other mementos. This is not a storage place for many clothes, only a few special memories. Remember, if you keep too much, you can't find what's truly important.
  • Outgoing. Always keep a box in kid's closets (and grownups too) for the outgoing. If it no longer fits, you need a very handy place to toss quickly. If baby is very young, you will be going so quickly through clothes that you might want to keep the storage box of the outgoing size handy. Label "6 months" and as baby out grows those 6 month clothes, toss them in.
  • Purge. There is no reason to keep what you know you will not be using in the future. If there is any doubt that something will be worn again, there's no sense in holding on to it for years to come. Eliminate what you can before putting anything into longer term storage.
  • Maintain. Frequent attention to kids/baby's closets is a must. Keeping items they're not wearing will add to the clutter, and as they grow, it will also add to the amount of clothes that will get tossed around their room. Keeping a simple and streamlined wardrobe will cut down on cost, maintenance and even daily decision making about what to wear!



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