Maximize Kitchen Cabinet Storage Space

Kitchen Cabinet StorageIs space at a premium in your kitchen? Often the base cabinets are not thought of as the greatest storage space. Items get lost in the back and chaos ensues. This Super Cabinet from Home Depot  takes base cabinet storage to a new level. Of course if you're not remodeling, you have to work with the base cabinets that are already in place. There are a few things you can do to maximize the storage space in existing base cabinets. Here are some options:Add a rack to the inside cabinet door for great accessible storage.Just remember when adding items to cabinets after installation, you need to make sure the doors and hinges are strong enough to support the weight of the rack and the items being stored. In addition, remember that the pull out shelves will cut down on the width of space inside the cabinet as they must fit between the door openings.There are many solutions out there if you want to maximize and organize every inch of your kitchen cabinets!f8f2b0a3dfeeb3a1676374f86d7645b8Adding storage to the toe kick under the cabinet is a great way to find new storage space!


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