Maximize Deductions for Donated Goods with It's Deductible by Intuit

It's DeductibleIt's getting to be crunch time to make sure your 2014 taxes are buttoned up. Here's a great site and app that will help you make the most of each and every item you donate. It's Deductible  by Intuit is a terrific app to keep online or on your phone to organize and keep track of donated items for maximum deduction. The best part about it is that it tells you how much of a deduction you can get for each and every item! For example, if you have a shirt to donate, you go to "Women's Shirt: T-Shirt" in 2014 a high value T-shirt will get you $9.00 and a medium value $5.00. It calculates it all for you and keeps track throughout the year.Remember, Chaos To Order also has a very comprehensive list of all the places in Chicagoland that accept donations here. Another way that keeping things organized will not only feel great and relieve stress, it will also save you money!


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