Which is more Organized Your Brain or the Space Around You?

BrainI have always needed the space around me organized because I felt that my brain lacked the level organization that I personally desire. Having helped many people with organizing over the years, I've come to believe that those of us who need the space around us organized often feel more scattered on the inside, this is why we have a need to have our surroundings organized. We receive that boost like the endorphin release of a runner. We get a thrill when our stuff is all in its proper place. I also feel that boost when I organize someone else's space. Our organizers at Chaos To Order will tell you the same thing, it's a charge for us to not only see that happy client, but also that wonderfully organized space. I haven't done the research on this yet, but I believe that many people who don't get that thrill from being organized are more methodical on the inside–they're wired that way in their brain. Because their more organized on the inside, they don't have the same need to be more organized on the outside, they don't get the same rush about things being in their proper place.Maybe you fall into another category and your brain is cluttered, your space is cluttered and you can't get out from either! Take time to consider the way your brain processes the stuff around you, how you relate to it and how you deal with it. A little knowledge of how you interact with your stuff may help you get out from under.So where does your brain fall in this area? Are you the organized brain that methodically puts things into order as you go? Or are you the more scattered  (known in a kinder way as the creative) version that gets into something and moves on to the next project without looking back or putting back? Most likely your a combination of both, but it helps to pay attention to your own tendencies. After all, the little things you do as part of your daily routine add up and create the organized space or the chaos around you.


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