How to Tackle Tasks You’d Rather Avoid

Just Get Started: Agreeing to spend 15-30 minutes on it will immediately lessen the anxiety about not doing it. Remember, slow progress is better than never getting started.
Carve out Time: You really can make time. No one is too busy to get to an important task. If you find yourself too busy, maybe the task just isn’t important enough.
Delegate: Enlist the help of those around you, and don’t forget the kids. They may not meet your expectations, but at least it’s getting done!
Break it Down: If the project is overwhelming, break it into steps. List them out and start with the simplest parts. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, and who knows, maybe it will motivate you to carry on!
Be Accountable: Discuss the looming chore with a friend or co-worker and ask them to hold you accountable. Set a completion date and have them check in periodically.
Separate Urgent from Important: Urgent tasks can get in the way of reaching the important tasks. Be aware of this as you plan your day and cross things off your list.
Call a Professional: With any task, a pro will get it done best. When it comes to getting organized, Chaos To Order can work with you every step of the way or you can hand it all off to us!