Friday Favorite: Dry Erase Board for Household Schedules

The unofficial end of summer is upon us as we approach Labor Day weekend. Kids are back to school and all schedules are amping up. Now is a good time to take a look at your household schedule and make sure smooth systems are in place. In the Friel household we use electronic calendars and sync them with our phones, but not everyone is old enough to have a phone or use the electronic calendar. So I keep a daily events calendar on a dry erase board in our mudroom/back entryway. This is a great way for everyone in the house (wired or not) to know what's going on. You may choose to show a week at a time, that can work well too.  When schedules get really busy you may opt for a daily view and during slower times you can switch it to weekly. That's the beauty of having a plain white dry erase board, make it whatever you want--if it's a special day, you may just want to save it for a big, "Happy Birthday" or "Congratulations".  However you use it, a dry erase board prominently placed near the command center or most used entry of your home is a great way to help keep your family and their schedules organized.


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