Back To School Shopping Tips

school_supplies Kids are heading back to school, and getting them prepared is a big job. According to the National Retail Federation, parents are expected to spend about $350 per child on clothes and shoes this year. If you want to save some money and aggravation, approach it from an organized perspective.  Here are some tips to help with the shopping and gathering of your back to school necessities.

  • Start by organizing what you have. You'll be amazed when you reach into the closets and find backpacks still filled with last years school supplies. Gather everything up and determine what you already have before you begin to shop.
  • Create a list of everything you think you might need for the upcoming school year. Include school supplies, clothing, book bags, lunch items, sports equipment, etc... any items that you think you will need once school is in session.
  • Gather supply lists from schools. Your child's school will give you a list of supplies they expect each student to bring on the first day of class. Keep that list handy by taking a photo of it with your smartphone. This way the list will always be handy with you, even if you're offline.cartoon_apple_k_yager_03r_Clipart_Free
  • Shop the sales. You can get great deals on school supplies during this time of the year. Compare sale items at nearby stores and find the best deal. Don't forget to also stock up on office supplies while the sales are on.
  • Stick to your list. It's easy to find many things you think you "need" while you're out shopping (especially is the kids are along). Create your list and stick to it to avoid over-purchasing and adding clutter.
  • Don't purchase your fall and winter wardrobe during this time. Prices are high and it's still hot outside. Stick with warm weather clothes for the beginning of school.

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