2014 National Association of Professional Organizers Conference Review

NAPO2014This week I am attending the annual conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers. It's a great gathering of organized minds all looking to find useful and innovative new ways to help people get and stay organized. There are a few interesting things to note from conference that might be of interest to our readers. Here's what I've learned:Zero In. The realm of professional organizing is vast. However, with broad integration of the internet into our lives, people are now able to search and find solutions to very specific organizing dilemmas easier than ever. So if you have any particular need based on your interests or work, and you need to get more organized--there is a solution for you out there.Technology can help you get organized. Although technology has complicated our lives, it has also helped us to do things simpler and more streamlined. Here at #NAPO2014 there are many educational sessions on using different types of technology to help us organize.Innovators still exist. I thought I had seen every organizing gadget out there, but companies continue to surprise me with creative new ways to encourage organization. I will be posting some of the interesting products that I've found in the near future, so stay tuned!  


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