Prepare For An Organized Holiday Now

It's funny how we know the holidays are coming, but once Thanksgiving arrives, we are stunned that the Christmas rush is in full swing. Plan now, before Thanksgiving to do what you can to lighten the load and make your December organized and enjoyable. Here are some tips to help you prepare:Weed out before the deluge. We acquire excessive amounts during the holidays. Take the time to weed out now to make room for all of the "incoming" so clutter doesn't creep in and take over.Streamline holiday decorations. Do you pull out droves of holiday decorations that have been sitting in storage for decades? This year do some editing. If you haven't displayed an item for a few years, maybe it's time to pass it on. Holiday decorations are always a great tax-deductible donation.Make a list and check it twice. Making lists can help keep all of your thoughts relating to that item, event or gift list in one place. Use them as much as you can—especially throughout the holidays.Host a gathering. Make a plan to entertain at your place during the holidays, it's a great motivator to finish up projects around the house and get things in order. Carve out the time to do it right so you're not shoving things in closets just before your guests arrive.Give gifts that don't cause clutter. How many knick knacks and ties does one really need? Rather than giving a trinket, give an experience. There are so many unique options online, so think outside the box this year and get creative in your clutter-free gift giving. Maybe even a Chaos To Order gift certificate is in order :-)Admire, don't acquire. Do you set out shopping for gifts and come home with more for yourself? There's plenty out there in the stores to catch your eye, so set a budget for your personal spending in addition to those on your gift list.


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