Efficient Laundry Tips

Laundry is an unavoidable drudgery, so getting it done quickly and efficiently is a must. Here are some tips to process laundry promptly.

  • Sort it out. 

Rather than putting all of the laundry into one hamper, sort it as you go with these terrific laundry sorters from Sterilite. They're a great time saver–when one fills up, you can throw a load in right away. Eliminate the hassle of sorting like colors into piles on the floor (which sometime stay there longer than they should). Sort and wash as you go.


  • Do it often. 

Laundry may be your least favorite task, but the more often you do it, the easier it gets. Make it a small part of your daily routine rather than that monkey-on-your-back that will eventually consume a full day.


  • Connect the socks

Sorting socks can be a big time zapper. Ask family members to tie socks together or put them in a mesh hosiery wash bag so they stay together. Toss any loose socks into a container and have each person reclaim their own. If they don't like doing it this way, maybe they'll choose to start using a wash bag or putting them into the laundry connected.

  • Make the best of the space you're in. 

If possible, add shelving, counters, cabinets and bright lighting in your laundry area. If doing laundry means going into a dark dungeon, you are going to put it off. Consider moving the machines upstairs or even into a walk-in closet. 

  • Hang it up. 

Putting clothes back onto hangers is time consuming. Save time by waiting to hang up clothes until you're in the closet. Just fold them over the side of the laundry basket and do the hanging up when you're in the closet. 


  •  Organize your closet. 

It's hard to put laundry away into an overly stuffed closet. Go through every item of clothing (good to do at least twice per year) and determine what can be eliminated. The more room you have to put things back, the easier it will be to get the laundry done.

  • Hand it off. 

Enlist the whole family when it comes to laundry. If kids are not of the age to do their own, they may be able to at least put it away. Sort each persons laundry into baskets and hand them off. The more you can delegate, the less you'll have on your own plate!



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