How to Use Your Smartphone for a Neater Office

How to Use Your Smartphone for a Neater OfficeYour smartphone can be a helpful gadget in the ongoing battle to get and stay organized. If you have a phone with a camera, take some snapshots as a quick way to help keep you organized when you’re on the go. Here's a list of some handy photos to snap:

• Printer cartridge refills. Take a quick photo of the printer cartridge box so you always have the serials, numbers and whatever other information with you.

• Office space. If you're in need of an extra desk or filing cabinet, keep pictures of the space handy so when you're out and see something you like, you will know if it will work. You can also store your dimensions in my measurements.

• Parking space. If you run out on an appointment, snap a photo of your parking space so you'll remember where to return to.

• Banking. You can also avoid running out to the bank and make deposits by taking photos of checks with an app like Chase Mobile.

Once you've taken the photos, you don't want to just have them linger uncategorized in your photo stream. It will be more efficient to keep any informational photos of this type in a separate album or upload to the cloud with an app like Evernote.

 Taken from NBC's Incwell blog for which Chaos To Order is a regular contributor.Source:


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