School's Out! How To Keep The Chaos From Creeping In

My kids are finishing school this week and as desks and lockers are being emptied at school, all the chaos is creeping into the house. Cleaning out backpacks exploding with papers, clothing and school supplies can be an overwhelming job for anyone, especially the kids. Here's how I'm bringing the end of year school chaos to order. First, get a large flat surface like a desk or table and empty out all the contents, grab trash can/recycle bin and toss all that you can, everything else gets grouped. Divide what remains into categories, here are some of the basics (let your kids help here): 

  • Special papers to save in the keepsake folder for the school year
  • School supplies for next year
  • Supplies to replenish desk drawers at home (pens, pencils, crayons, markers ect…)
  • Clothing (gym uniforms, extra sweatshirts etc…)
  • Books (library books to return, text books to swap with someone for next year)
  • Food (not the moldy stuff, but some candy and snacks that might be salvageable)

 Now it doesn't look so overwhelming any more! If you don't already have one, it's a good idea to use a plastic container for school supplies. 

Put unopened packages of pencils, crayons, markers, papers etc… Save them all in an out of the way place for next year and use that container to start accumulating items for back to school time. You may even want to keep the list of next year's school supplies in that container. Once you've done this, put all the other items back where they belong and voila–you're done!


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