Website Wednesday: My Medical App by Hyrax

I just made an appointment for my daughter to go to the doctor for a check up. She never gets sick and taking her just hasn't crossed my mind--in a long, long time. When I called to make the appointment, the receptionist said, "do you realize it's been over two years since she has been here?" Try as I may to be organized, some things just do slip through the cracks! I thought to myself, "there must be an app for that!" After some searching, I found this terrific app to help keep all the medical menagerie organized! My Medical App. is a great little medical record organizer for the whole family. 

You can keep each persons records organized with everything from general health, to medications, procedures, history, eyesight, appointment scheduling etc... you can even add digital images of documents or take a photo of the document right from your iPad or iPhone. All of the information can be shared, password protected and backed up. It's a great way to keep all of your medical records organized and paper free! Some of our organizers are familiar with this app and would be happy to help you get set up with My Medical so you don't forget to schedule your kid's doctor appointments like I did!


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