Friday Favorite: Fujitsu Scansnap

Are you ready to clear the papers in your office? Is it a time consuming hassle to get your hands on papers you need? Maybe it's time to digitize  and find your papers in a snap with a Fujitsu Scansnap. I've always been a fan of scanning papers and keeping them digitally on the computer or in the cloud–it certainly takes up less space. The problem with scanners I've purchased in the past is learning their software and getting acclimated to it all, it seemed like more work than it should be–until I tried the Fujitsu Scansnap. I've heard people talk about this scanner and read the glowing reviews, so I had to see for myself, after all it's my job to know what products will best keep our clients organized.The Fujitsu Scansnap was revolutionary. The document was quickly scanned, and I instantly had the option of putting it exactly where I wanted it: .pdf, .jpeg, even editable in Word and Excel. No need to figure out and open another obscure program, you can scan both documents and receipts, it automatically recognized the size of each document. You can also highlight words within the document so they are searchable on your computer.  Works with both PC and Mac–brilliant!Our organizers are now working with the scanner so that if you need papers in your office scanned and digitized, we can bring it along during your organizing session.


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