Web Wednesday: Password Managers

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Are you an online user of many accounts, half of which you can't remember the passwords for? I always had the same, not-so-secure password for everything—life was simple. Now there are just too many to remember, and the same password does not fit all situations, nor is it the least bit secure.

I don't know what I would do without my Password Manager. I love 1Password. It works with Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad and Android. You can sync it with the iPhone and iPad through the 1Password mobile suite which is an added bonus. It's great when you have the safety of knowing your passwords are secure and you don't have to go searching around to figure out the password. When I made the switch I came to realize that I was wasting valuable time and energy trying unsuccessfully to remember all of my passwords. Now I don't have to anymore and that's a good thing.mSecure is another good password manager but it's exclusive for Mac. For PC users, here is a post from PC World, "Best Password Managers: Top 4 Reviewed". Save time and simplify by using good password management software.


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