Friday Favorite: Smelly Towel Solutions

It's the middle of summer and if you're a pool goer or frequent shower taker, you know that towels take forever to dry during the humid summer months. I know its a crazy time of year to be talking about heaters, but today's Friday Favorite is a heated towel bar. I have found it to be a great solution to keeping your towels from getting that stinky mildew smell on them, not to mention the extra loads of laundry with so many towels in use. Have you ever forgotten about a load of laundry in the washer, only to realize a day later that it all smells like mildew? You can re-wash the load and even add a bit of vinegar to remove the smell, but if towels and damp clothes lie around, the will get that aweful smell on them. I usually get beach towels to dry quickly by setting them in the sun, but it's inconvenient to have to do that with the bath towels. If you have thick towels, they take forever to dry—especially when it's humid. We have a heated towel bar like the one in the photo and it's great at keeping towels warm and dry all year long. You can purchase a bar of hooks to hang on the bar and that makes it even easier to throw your towels up on the heater.  It's great to get out of the shower to a nice warm towel, but it's even better to keep towels mildew free in the summer. Our towel bar is made by Runtal, and there are many different types of heated bars to choose from. Remember to not keep the heat on too long. If the towel bar is heated when you're finished with a shower and you're leaving the house, just turn it off, the heat will dry up the towel quickly—no need to heat up the room when it's 95 outside!


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