Basement Organizing Tips

When it's hot outside, why not head down to the basement and do some organizing? Clearing out a storage area can be a daunting task, but if you carve out time to focus on the space with some specific steps in mind, you can make a lot of progress in a little time. Here are some tips to get you going...

  • Don't look at the big picture. Start in one area and focus your organizing efforts on one item at a time. Looking around at all there is to do will only cause overwhelm. 
  • Eliminate unwanted items. Sort outgoing items into 3 categories: Trash, Donate and Sell. Under donate, also consider family and friends who may want your hand-me-downs. For selling items, simply use your smartphone to quickly snap photos and easily upload items you can sell online. 
  • Get like items together. When you're organizing, remember to find place for everything and get everything in its place. For example, keepsakes, gift wrapping, camping equipment, holiday items etc… Each and every item needs a place to belong. 
  • Aim to contain. Determine what you are planning to keep and store, then purchase good sturdy containers to house those items. Find a good multi-purpose container that stacks well and holds plenty, shown are Sterilite 66qt Clearview Containers
  • Shelves create easy access. Containers are great, but if you stack them too high, it's hard to access that bottom container. Consider putting shelves in your storage area. Place the containers on them, label're organized!
  • Call for help. When you feel like it's more than you want to take on, schedule an appointment with the professional organizers of Chaos To Order. We have great suggestions for creative use of space, what containers work best, and how long you should keep things. We are always happy to come and bring your chaos to order.

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