My Organizing ADD

As the owner of Chaos To Order you may assume that every aspect of my life is organized—Wrong-O! I have come to realize one of the reasons I'm so passionate about organization and how to better achieve a more organized space is because I struggle with what I call, "Organizing ADD".

As I've become more involved in the creative aspects of Chaos To Order, I find that my brain flits from one creative idea to the next leaving in its wake scattered thoughts, papers, to-do's, etc… It's gotten to the point that it becomes a real distraction for me. So knowing this about myself, and quite frankly, loving the innovative, idea churning aspect of this business— I wouldn't want to stop those creative juices from flowing. So knowing that I have them and how they distract me, I plan accordingly. I plan ahead for the distraction of fleeting thoughts.  I keep a notepad handy and know that the space around me is going to become cluttered. That's where having good systems come into play. I have my "Dirty Little Secret Drawer", my filing cabinet and beloved laptop, with folders to store every document, task, meeting and idea.

It's not that I want to go thru life with everything remaining in perfect order— I'm not sure how much fun that would be anyway. I want to go thru life with systems in place so that when the creativity and chaos of life happen, I have a roadmap to reclaim the order that brings me peace.


Friday Favorite: Card Keeper Box


Friday Favorite: