Friday Favorite:

Today my Friday Favorite involves a personal story that relates to some recent computer nightmares we've had here in the office. On Monday morning Karen powered up the computer to a scary looking screen saying it needed to restart—in many languages— major sign of trouble. After restarting several times, I rushed off to the Apple Store only to be told that the hard drive had crashed. Well, I didn't think of it as a very big problem because we have learned from past issues that it is vital to our business to have back up systems in place. So knowing we were well backed up, I opted to replace the hard drive and reinstall from our backup drive, only to learn that the files in the Time Machine backup drive had corrupted! Thankfully we just recently started a regular upload of our database to Dropbox. It was only because of the Dropbox backup that we were able to salvage our most critical data. We are hearing more and more about "cloud computing" these days and although many people feel that if they can't see the back up source they're afraid they can't count on it. Today I'm here to tell you that was the only source that pulled through for Chaos To Order and I am a fan. If you have critical data that is backed up locally, consider a second back up on Dropbox, I can't tell you how glad I am that we did!


My Organizing ADD


Friday Favorite: Storage Solutions Beyond the Closet