Organize The Garage

If you haven’t done it yet, now is the perfect time to get out in the garage and give it a good spring clean!  Remember, organizing is all about eliminating what you no longer need and finding good, efficient places for what is used frequently.

According to a survey by the US Department of Energy, 25% of people with two-car garages don’t park any cars in them, and 32% only have room for one car!  All of that random garage stuff requires time and attention to sort through. It’s never going to go away on its own. You have to spend time determining what to keep and what to toss. Of course, Chaos To Order organizers are experts at this and will guide you through the process to get your garage optimally organized in a timely manner.

Dividing the garage storage space into zones can be a helpful way for getting and keeping things organized. Here are some examples:

  • kids items, toys, bikes

  • sports equipment, balls, golf…

  • Auto cleaning/repair

  • Yard/garden tools, pots…

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t stand back and look at the whole garage. Start in one spot and make decisions on each and every item. Once you’ve gone through the entire space and have eliminated what can go, then create the zones, consider storage bins/shelving options and get everything properly placed.

If you could use a coach through the process, our expert organizers at Chaos To Order are happy to help, just remember to schedule well in advance because they’re in demand and schedules are very tight!


Moving is the Best Time to Get Organized


Help for Hoarders