Declare Independence from your Clutter

Feeling overwhelmed by all of your belongings? This Independence Day, liberate yourself from clutter! Here are some tips to lighten the load.

  • Regularly weed out.
    Keep a container in a frequently used area (closet), for items you want to donate or sell. Schedule regular donation pickups to maintain a steady flow of outgoing items.

  • Make time for decluttering.
    Dedicate bits of time over the long weekend to clear out a troublesome space. Prioritize this task amidst your busy schedule.

  • Involve the whole family.
    Assign tasks to each family member. While it may not be done exactly as you'd like, any progress is better than none. It's also a valuable opportunity to teach children about organizing.

  • Set goals and create a visual plan.
    Hang a chart in a prominent location and set achievable goals. Break down the steps needed to reach those goals and work on them in manageable time chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Plan a summer yard sale.
    If you've been postponing a yard sale, set a date as a deadline for completing projects that will support your sale.

  • Establish effective systems.
    Every item you own should have a designated place. Make the most of your tidying sessions by organizing with intention. Without proper systems, it's difficult to fully organize.

  • Cultivate good habits.
    Start now by putting away each item after use. Finish one task before starting another. Developing these habits will help you stay organized and avoid constant catch-up.

Experience the freedom of decluttering and reclaiming your space! Contact Chaos to Order at (847) 825-8400 for assistance in clearing out, simplifying, and organizing your life.


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